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FAQ-Biroul de Traduceri Champollion
faq champollion What is an authorised translation?
The translation made and signed by a translator authorised by the Ministry of Justice represents an authorised translation. 

What is an authenticated translation?
The authenticated translation is an authorised translation but which implies, in this case, the certification by a Notary Public of the translator's signature. 

How much does it cost? How do you calculate the volume?

If you are one of the Champollion Translation Agency's customers who has entered a valid contract with us, the tariffs are those mutually agreed in the said contract.

If you are a customer who has no contractual relationship with us, a project manager will be communicate you the estimated prices for each project, upon your offer/quotation request.

The measurement unit for written translation is the page. In relations with their clients the Champollion Translation Agency uses the standard of 1800 characters with spaces in the target language (into which the translation is made).
For DTP services, the measurement unit is the physical page in the source language (from which the translation is made).

For interpretation services, the measurement unit is the hour.

Champollion Translation Agency guarantees to each of its customers 10 pages/day/language. According to various requirements, this volume can be much higher, your order being treated as emergency order.

Emergency orders
Emergencies are proprietarily treated and they are accepted only following a project manager's confirmation on the possibility of its execution.  

How long does it take?
The duration of the translation execution depends on the text type, language or volume. For each project, the delivery terms shall be mutually agreed.
Event if no express requirement is addressed, the Champollion Translation Agency, according to its internal procedures, guarantees the confidentiality of your documents.

I need a translation, what do I do?
First of all, you must contact one of the project managers in our office and send the text indicating the target language and the ideal delivery term. You will receive an offer in the shortest time possible. In order to effectively start the translation, we kindly ask you to answer in writing, in due time, by sending a firm order.

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Anca Pascan, Promotional Interservice
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  Copyright © Biroul de Traduceri Champollion